5 things to Know About Gum Surgery

Sohana Hospital
3 min readApr 14, 2023


Gum surgery is one of those treatment procedures at a dental hospital near me that people barely know about. Gum surgery is among minor surgical procedures for patients who might have swollen gums. It might also be of help to patients who have the problem of receding gums. A part of soft tissue can be taken from another region of the oral cavity and used as a graft where the gums recede. Many people who have teeth with roots exposed save the same through gum surgery. It prevents exposure to tooth roots and helps in preserving normal tooth health.

Benefits of gum surgery

Not a large population of patients is aware of the umpteen benefits of gum surgery. To make things easier for you, here we enlist a few of these benefits.

● Helps to prevent decay in a tooth

● One can be sure of restoring smile aesthetics through gum surgery

● Helps in stabilizing the gums that attach to a tooth

● One can prevent tooth sensitivity through gum surgery that covers the exposed tooth roots

Knowing the procedure

The dental doctor near me will anesthetize your oral cavity before starting with gum surgery. Scaling and polishing will first be done to prevent the chances of any kind of infection. The graft will then be taken from the donor site and attached to the area with receding gums. You might need to follow up with your dentist for a week or two till recovery.

Reasons to undergo gum surgery

There might be various reasons why one might need to undergo gun surgery. Let’s give a quick read to some of these reasons and how the surgery might help you.

● Poor brushing technique causing damage to gums

● For ill-fitted dentures

● Genetic factor

● Poor oral hygiene

● Malaligned or maloccluded teeth

● Gingival or periodontal diseases

● Affects due to smoking

Post-operative care

If you are one of those people who went for gum surgery, you need to follow the instructions for post-operative care. Your doctor might suggest you avoid smoking or drinking for a few weeks to allow healing. You might be allowed to stay on a liquid diet for the first 24 hours later surgery. The doctor at a dental clinic near me might gradually allow you to consume soft food items till you recover completely.

Gum surgery for good oral health

Gum surgery is a savior for those patients who have no other kind of dental treatment available for their particular condition. The recovery time might vary for every case depending on how well the patient takes care of it.

Sohana Hospital has the best periodontists who have numerous successful gum surgeries in their name. Our well-qualified dentists hold the expertise to perform gum surgeries without you feeling any kind of pain or uneasiness. We aim to make oral treatment easier for you and restore your smile in the long run.

