Understanding the Liver Cancer- Liver Cirrhosis Connection
Cirrhosis is a kind of liver disease affecting a major part of the population across the globe. If statistics are to be believed, a large number of people are already suffering from cirrhosis. However, they remain unaware of their condition until the late symptoms are noticed at an already advanced stage. Well, early and prompt detection of the condition with timely prevention can slow down the progression of the disease.
Cirrhosis- cancer connection
The healthy, active liver tissue is replaced by inactive scar tissue in cirrhosis, also called end-stage liver disease. The liver is unable to perform its function of metabolizing or storing nutrients. The tissue prevents the liver from performing detoxification and digestion. The cells become cancerous and more prone to damage when a person is suffering from liver cirrhosis. More than 85% of the patients suffering from liver cancer have liver cirrhosis as well. One can always follow the steps instructed by the doctor to slow down the progression of cancer and/or prevent the same in the long run.
Signs and symptoms
Although cirrhosis isn’t noticeable in the early stages, one can still suffer from a few symptoms.
● Loss of appetite
● Drinking a small quantity of water
● Fatigue
● Feeling stomach-full immediately after the meals
● Nausea
● Yellowing of the skin
● Confusion
● Yellow tint in the eyes
● Swelling in the abdomen
● Light-colored stools
● Easy bruising
● Swelling in the lower extremities
If you are noticing any of these signs and symptoms, you must see your doctor immediately for prompt medical attention. A thorough evaluation by your doctor will help rule out the possibility of having any other serious condition.
Lifestyle changes
A few changes in your routine can help slow down or prevent cirrhosis in the long term. When the liver falls trap to a range of infections, one might suffer from cirrhosis with time. Diabetes, alcohol, and obesity are a few of the most common causes of liver cirrhosis.
Here are a few ways you can prevent liver cirrhosis and reduce the risk of worsening the condition.
● Avoid alcohol consumption or limit its frequency
● Try to avoid added sugar
● Follow a proper exercise routine n keep yourself active
● If you have viral hepatitis, get it treated with medications
● Stick to a healthy and balanced diet rich in fruits and leafy vegetables
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